
martes, 18 de septiembre de 2007



En el Sarmiento, en Liniers, entra una multitud e intenta salir otra multitud de los vagones. Casi nadie logra bajar. Triunfan los que ingresan como una tromba. Los que no pueden bajar, permanecen triturados allí dentro, una estación más, arriba del tren, es una eternidad. Y después hay que esperar otro tren en sentido contrario para volver a Liniers. Dan ganas de llorar. En Merlo, yendo al centro a las seis de la mañana anuncian que "la próxima formación a Once llegará con 25 minutos de retraso". Subir , si es que llega, será una odisea. Siempre es una odisea.
Los trenes son máquinas comunicar. Hoy, aquí, son un drama, y transportan innumerables dramas.Un hombre entra a un vagón del San Martín y canta pero no se entiende lo que canta. No es otro idioma, es una gramática quebrada. Canta y toca la guitarra. Es ciego. Canta "Yo tengo unos ojos negros". Pero no toca la guitarra, rasguea de manera persistente, fuerte y sin armoníaDetrás de él, en procesión, advienen mendicantes varios, reparten íconos diversos, o chocolatines, o papeles escritos invocando sus dramas reales, tremendos . A muchos les falta una pierna, o un brazo. A las seis de la tarde los altoparlantes de la Estación Caseros del San Martín, propalan a viva voz una consigna que nadie cumple: "Está prohibido viajar en los estribos". La gente se cuelga desesperada. Flamea cuando el tren cobra velocidad. Entro a un bar en Constitución. Ante una mesa de fórmica una mujer y un hombre comen pizza. Toman cerveza. Tardan veinte minutos. No hablan una palabra. En una televisión de un rincón, emiten un programa de chismes de la farándula o algo así. La multitud fluye desde la Plaza hasta la Estación, asciende de los subtes, desciende a ellos. Espera pacientemente en las colas. Así todos los días. Todos. Camino a La Plata, tarde, vándalos de dos hinchadas rivales de fútbol, arman una gresca brutal arriba del tren. Sacan navajas. Le arrancan un escapulario a una señora mayor. Y su gorro a un hombre humilde, parece albañil. O quizás plomero cuentapropista. En un furgón de un ramal a Mercedes, varios hombres juegan al truco. Gritan "quiero", y "envido" y las voces se entremezclan. No juegan un sólo partido.Hay varios grupos jugando. Es de noche. Vienen viajando desde la Capital. Hacia donde viajaron por lo mañana.Hacia donde viajaran al día siguiente. Y a pesar de todo, y después de todo; juegan. ¿Por qué estamos condenados a sufrir ese horrible peregrinaje, abigarrados, demorados, humillados y ofendidos ?¿Por qué?

Viajar, la Odisea cotidiana.

Miguel Wiñazki

1 comentario:

joshua dijo...

It's so nice for me to have found this blogg of yours, it's so interesting. I read what I could. I sure hope and wish that you take courage enough to pay me a visit in my PALAVROSSAVRVS REX!, and plus get some surprise. My blogg is also so cool! Don't think for a minute that my invitation is spam and I'm a spammer. I'm only searching for a public that may like or love what I POETRY write, among other types of Artistic Texts.

Feel free off course to comment as you wish and remember: don't take it wrong, don't think that this visitation I make is a matter of more audiences for my own blogg. No. It's a matter of making universal, realy universal, all this question of bloggs, all the essential causes that bring us all together by visiting and loving one another. However...

Some feel invaded and ofended that I present myself this way in their blogs and rudely insult me back or post a mockery post on me.
Some think I'm playing the smart guy who wants to profit, in my miserable and ridiculous gain with Adsense (go figure!), from and with others curiosity and benevolence.
Some simply ignore me.
Some aknowledge that It's most important we all take notion that there's milions of us bloguing arownd the world and thus vital any kind of awareness such as I believe this my self-introduction card and insert apeal brings in.

May you be one of those open and friendly spirits.

You must not feel obliged to come and visit me. An invitation is not an intimation. Also know that if you FOR A SECOND click on one of my ads I'm promised to earn a couple of cents for that: I would feel happy and rewarded (because I realy unemployedly need it!!!) if you did click it FOR A SECOND, but once again you're totaly free to do what ever you want. I, for instance, choose immediatly to click on one of your ads, in case you have them. To do so or not, that's the whole beauty of it all, however, blogocitizens must unite also by clicking-helping eachother when we know cybermegacorporations profit from our own selfishness regarding to that simple click.

About this I must say, by my own experience, that no one realy cares (maybe a few) about this apeal I make, no one gives a fucking shit about it and you certainly will confirm this rule, but you must believe me: I love to visit new bloggs every day from all over the world, I've learned and seen a lot after more than 10.000 bloggs I've visted in three months. And I will, like Titanic's Kate, keep on and on and on.

Still I believe in my Work and Dreams and thus
I'll keep on apealing and searching
so strong is my will.

I think it's to UNITE MANKIND that we became bloggers! Don't see language as an obstacle but as a challenge (though you can use the translater BabelFish at the bottom of my page!) and think for a minute if I and the rest of the world are not expecting something like a broad cumplicity. Remenber that pictures talk also. Open your heart and come along!!!!!

And of apeal.

So you think this is begging and begging is ugly?
So you think this is just copy/paste and ignoring what you've posted?
Think what you like: begging or not this is my form of self-presentation.
You can allways ignore me,
ignore this apeal and give me shit.

But do not bore to come and moralize me back.

CHOQUE EN AVENIDA PAVON.( 18 de marzo 2007)